Sunday, November 14, 2004

Have Wings, Will Fly

Friday was the day, the day that I got my wings that is.
After 4 intensive weeks of learning about everything to do with the job of a flight attendant, 18 very eager and happy people received their wings, yours truly included.
It felt absolutely fantastic, that's all I can say.

And tomorrow, Monday I'm off on my first trip, to Damascus in Syria. ALthough it's a short stop (just over 24hrs), it's just the start of a fascinating flying programme which will hopefully last quite some time.

Looking at my roster for the next two months, I can certainly say that I'm off to see some fascinating places, some even more than once, as it seems I'll be a regular in Tehran over the next couple of months, flying there about 5 times! Amman also features heavily on my roster, and interestingly enough, my X-mas eve will be spent in the same place as my first trip, Damascus. Oh joy.
Other places which I will please with my presence shortly will be Almaty, Addis Ababa, Baku and the above-mentioned Amman, Damascus and Tehran. As much as I wanted to get a trip to Tashkent, that will just have to wait till the February roster comes out!

Happy flying all.


At 14 November, 2004 18:42, Blogger tótla said...

Góða ferð og gangi þér vell Pallmundur minn:) Takk líka fyrir skemmtilegheitin í London um daginn, ekkert leiðinlegt að borða í svona góðum félagsskap á stað sem minnir mann á 1001 nótt:)


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