Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A "P.A" is a "Passenger Announcement" or "Public Announcement", depending on the airline.


I absolutely LOVE doing PAs. Don't know why. If it's the sound of hearing my own voice echo through the cabin or that feeling of self-importance one gets, as normally the most senior stewardess onboard do them. Anyway.

On my last trip, Tehran, the Purser gave me the task of doing ALL her PAs, and I was over the bloody moon I tell you!

We have a standard PA book, which has basicly written down what PAs you need to make for every occasion.
So she handed it over to me... when it came to it I was so bloody excited I apparently sounded Canadian, nothing wrong with that!

Then we all decided it would be interesting if I'd do the announcement in a different accent every time.
The pre-landing announcement was then done in a perfect French accent.

Landing in Tehran was then decided to be done in true British Airways fashion, saying "do this" and "do that" (eg. "do remain seated for your own safety and do take care when opening the overhead lockers and items may indeed have shifted...").

The way back from Tehran to London was then strictly in a crisp Icelandic accent.
"Laidees and Gentelmen, vellkom onborrd thiss Brrrtish Airrways flight to London..."

At times i was about to crack up due ot my fellow crewmembers in stiches next to me... but managed. They did however call me Björk for the duration of the 6-hour flight!

"Laidees and Gentelmen, a verrry vorm vellkom to London Híthrow, ver ðö lókal tæm is tvelve ten and ðí átsæd temperatjur is tventítú degrís.
Plís rímein síted við jor síbelts fastend öntill ðö sítbelt sægns hav binn svitsd off and ðí endjins hav bin sjött dówn.
Venn ópeníng ðö óverhed lokkers plís teik ker as lús ætems mai fall át...
on bíhalf ov ðö kaptein and his crúw ví þeink jú for flæíng XXXX XXXXX, ví dú hóp jú hav eodjód júr flæt and hóp tú bí of sörvis tú jú agen in ðö verrí near fjútör.
Þeink jú and gúdd afterrnúún."


At 15 September, 2005 15:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm...thetta hljomar barasta eins og eg..skjusmi leidis end gentellmenn..plein is going tu kressj..aaahh..hihi. Thetta er nu svolitid sjarmerandi hreimur ad minu mati!

At 18 September, 2005 17:11, Blogger tótla said...

ahahahaha...þú ert svo ruglaður. Er alltaf eitthvað svona rosa crew-grín í gangi þegar við vitlausu farþegarnir höldum að þetta sé háalvarlegt starf? Já, ég er líka sammála Björk, þessi hreimur er bara fínn, nema þegar fólk ýkir hann upp úr öllu valdi og er ekki að grínast með það (eins og ónefndur flugþjónn:)) ...eins og sumir Íslendingar gera, aðallega þó í íslenskum kvikmyndum *hóst*Dís*hóst*

At 18 September, 2005 22:40, Blogger pallpall said...

Persónulega finnst mér hreimurinn fínn líka, og flestum öðrum sem ég vinn með. Gefur karakter.
Samt er ég svo ógeðslega breskur stundum að ég gæti sjalfur ælt, get bara ekki gert að því (muhuuu).
"Some ice, lemon and worcestershire sauce with that, sir?"

Varðandi grínið í gangi, já oftast. Maður verður að geta gert grín að þessu öllu... en þó aldrei þegar eitthvað alvarlegt gerist, aldrei. Þess vegna erum við nú þjálfuð í öllu milli himins og jarðar!
Dæmi: "Ef þú heyrir einhverntíman orðið BOB notað af fluffu... stendur fyrir "Babe On Board" eða "Best On Board" ;)


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