Saturday, June 25, 2005

Today I'm going to Bishkek on a 4-day trip.
Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan.
That's where a bunch of farmers and nomads toppled the evil President Akayev last March.
Funny la.

Anyhow, have been kinda busy lately, came off a lovely couple of Amman trips, the first a 4-day one with the ever-so lovely Addis Ababa shuttle, but the crew more than made up for it, had absolute bags of fun with Miriam and Konstantinos.
The next Amman was also fun, as Francesca, Adele and I decided to rent a car and head down to the Dead Sea for the day.
Fabulous, although it was nearly 40°C there! After all, we are talking about one of the lowest points on earth!
The sea was ever so funny, as it just keeps you afloat! We couldn't stop laughing, and evidence in form of pictures in the FotoAlbum is coming up shortly.

Came back from Amman Sunday and hopped on the next available flight to Barcelona to visit my lovely cousins Hrafnhildur, her boyfriend Javi and her sister Halldora.
Had an amazing time, again the sun wasn't shy to give us scorching temperatures!
Got some good shopping done though, the usual 3 pairs of shoes, pants and a shirt!

Humm, yea, going to Iceland then in the first few days of July to spend a week over there. Thruthfully, I really can't wait to get to some decent temperatures now. I just don't function very well in England when it's 32°C and the pollen count's on HIGH. Yuck.
At least the air in Iceland's guarranteed to be fresh and cold, hoping to be met by the customary gale-force winds when exiting Keflavik Airport!

Speaking of leave. My relatives in Iceland have been asking me why I'm going to spend so little time in Iceland this summer.
Well, simple. We only get a certain amount of leave every year (this ain't school anymore!), and we can't take it all at once.
So I decided to take a week in July, and use the rest of my Summer leave (2 weeks) to go over to Australia (with a stop in Hong Kong probably) at the beginning of November (I think it's the first 2 weeks of the month I booked off).
But of course I'll also be going to Iceland in October to be at my cousins wedding, the first ever wedding I'll have been to!
Wouldn't wanna miss that for anything.


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